Moodle LTI 1.3: Adding links to a course (deep linking)


Please note: The information provided here is intended only to assist with some of the common ways our product can be integrated in this system. Our Help Site is not a comprehensive guide to use of the Moodle LMS, and our team can only assist with Credo integration; we are unable to provide support for any other aspect of Moodle's functionality. Screenshots are provided for illustrative purposes but may not exactly match your own system, particularly since navigation elements can vary depending on your version of the platform.

Documented Version: Moodle 4.0.2

Before proceeding  first ensure Credo has been added as an LTI 1.3 External Tool plugin and deep linking has been enabled as described here: 

Moodle: LTI 1.3 Global Tool Set Up

Step 1:

Sign in to Moodle and navigate to the course you want to edit. On the course page use the slide bar to turn on Edit mode so that you can edit the course.

Step 2:

In the section where you want to add a link, click Add activity or resource, and then select External tool n the pop-up box that appears.



Step 3: 

When the "Adding a new External Tool" form appears,  use the drop down next to "Preconfigured tool" to select  your Credo InfoLit 1.3 tool.


Then click on “Select Content”   

The content selector box will appear.  Select the item(s) you want to add


Once you have made your selection(s), scroll to the bottom of the box click Submit




Note - If you selected multiple content items you will be prompted to "Save and return to course".   If any of the items were graded (tests or quizzes),  you will need locate the items in the course to define the grades as outlined below.  If you selected a single content item you can make these edits before you save.

The Activity name and Tool URL will auto populate 

Privacy: If the item is a test or quiz (graded), check the "Accept grades from the tool" box  (the name and email options are inherited from the global tool set up.

Grade:  For a graded item (test or quiz), you will need to set a maximum grade value. If your system uses a default value of 0, students will only see a 0 in the Moodle Grade Book, no matter what they score. 

On Credo's platform, most quizzes are worth 5 points, and each pre and post test are worth 20 points. If you select a different maximum grade, the student's score should scale accordingly.

You may also wish to set a minimum passing grade.





Step 4:

Click save and display. The new LTI activity should display either embedded in the page or as a link to open in a new window, depending on the default configured in the Global Tool Setup step.



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