Canvas: Sharing to Canvas Commons


Please note: The information provided here is intended only to assist with some of the common ways our product can be integrated in this system. Our Help Site is not a comprehensive guide to use of the Canvas LMS, and our team can only assist with Credo integration; we are unable to provide support for any other aspect of Canvas's functionality. Screenshots are provided for illustrative purposes but may not exactly match your own system, particularly since navigation elements can vary depending on your version of the platform.


To share a pre-made course with others in your institution, you can upload your course to Canvas Commons.

Step 1: In the course you want to share, slick on Settings then Share to Commons.

Step 2: Share the course with those at your institution and set a Title and Description for the course.

Step 3: Add at least one tag and an image, then click Save.

Step 4: You will see a success notification that your course is processing.

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