Engagement Reports Overview


*Note - some options in the Engagement report are only available for InfoLit (formerly Instruct): namely Course and Learners filters.

The Engagement report is a usage report available for all Learning Tools customers. The primary usage statistic available is "number of sessions", and you can use the Engagement report to track sessions across several levels of granularity.

A session begins when a user connects with the Learning Tools platform, either via direct link/embed code or via launching an LTI link. The session ends when the student logs out, for example by closing out their browser, clearing their cookies, or timing out.

To select a level of granularity, use the "Engagement by" drop-down menu on the Engagement support and choose one of these four options:

Engagement by Run: the number of sessions across your account  -- the overall number of times the account has been accessed

Engagement by Course: the number of sessions across your account, broken down by course.

If your institution is using an LTI integration, the course name will be synced to Credo via LTI. This field is also populated when students provide their course name on the Quiz form (when accessing via non-LTI authentication). Any session for which a course name is not available (because the user did not fill out the Quiz form) will be attributed to a default bucket, usually called something like IL-MOD, IL, View Videos, etc.

Engagement by Content Section: the number of sessions in which any item in each content section has been viewed, for example all sessions in which a user interacted with any material in the Citations & Academic Integrity section of the Instruct: InfoLit content.

Engagement by Content Subsection: the number of sessions in which each video, tutorial, and test/quiz in your account has been viewed.

After selecting an "Engagement by" option, you can also use "Compare by" to add a dimension of comparison to your report. You can also use the filter options in the left sidebar to narrow down your data to a specific content item, course, learner, etc.

Note about unique users
In addition to "Number of Sessions", you can also view data by "Number of Unique Users." A student accessing via LTI is recognized as a returning user each time they access, and only counts as a unique user once. A student accessing via non-LTI authentication is counted as a unique user every time they begin a new session. To view reports on unique users rather than sessions, select this option from the "View by" drop down menu. When using one of the two "View by" options, the option not selected will still appear as a column in the output table beneath the bar graph.


How can you generate Engagement Reports?

Engagement reports default to View by Run, showing the total Number of Sessions within the the last  month.

Click in the date fields to change the date range as required.



You can also select a particular course or content item from the report filters to drill down further into the data.

Reporting on Usage by Content Item

Viewing engagement by content item gives you insight into which multimedia items are being used most frequently by your institution. To generate this report, try this filter configuration:

Engagement by: Content Subsection
Compare by: ...
View by: Number of Sessions


This will give you a breakdown of usage of all of the multimedia in your account. To narrow your search, you can use the Content filter to select specific items to compare.

You can also use the "Compare by" drop-down menu to add another dimension to your report. For example, compare by course to see which items are most popular in different courses etc. 


How are students counted in the Engagement Report?

The Engagement Report reports on your account usage using two metrics: the number of sessions and the number of unique users.

Number of Sessions:

  • Students who access Credo's multimedia via an IP authentication, proxy, or referring URL are counted each time they open a new session. For example, if a student accesses Credo's multimedia on a LibGuide one week, then accesses again the following week (a new session) - this will be counted as two sessions.
  • Students who access via an LMS integration are also counted each time they open a new session. For example, if a student accesses Credo's multimedia in an FYE course once in Week 1 of their course, then again in Week 4, this will be counted as two sessions.

Number of Unique Users:

  • Students who access Credo's multimedia via an IP authentication, proxy, or referring URL, are counted each time they open a new session. Credo's platform creates an anonymous user each time a student accesses via these methods, so there is no way to attach usage to a specific student profile. 
  • Students who access via an LTI integration are counted once, regardless of how often they access Credo's multimedia in their courses. 

Note: Engagement tracking was established in January 2018, we do not have engagement data before this point. If you need usage data for time periods before January 2018, please see the Enrollment Reports Overview article.


What filters can you expect to see in an Engagement Report?

Course filter

  • Any course set up in your LMS that uses an LTI integration to access Credo's multimedia will appear in the Courses filter.
    • Note: Filters for LMS-integrated Courses were established in March 2018. Before March 2018, the data from courses in your LMS will be displayed under the INFOLIT course in Credo Insights. This affects both assessment and usage reports. 
  • If you have configured the Quiz Form to collect course information or the instructor’s name, it will be available in the Courses filter.
  • INFOLIT or Instruct Course Filter: Credo's platform will capture any student data not associated with a course from your LMS or the Quiz Form. If you choose not to use courses in the Quiz Form, student assessment data will appear under the INFOLIT or Instruct course.

Learners filter

  • Students who access multimedia via an LTI integration are identified in reports by their name, email, and course.
  • Students who access via proxy, IP, or referring URL authentication (for example, via a proxy-authenticated link used on a LibGuide) will be identified by their name and email if they provide it on the Quiz Form.
    • Note: If a student does not complete the Quiz Form, while using multimedia, Credo's platform creates an anonymous student ID. These anonymous ID's are suppressed from Credo Insights filters. The data is still included in averages, but the randomized names and emails will not be available as filter options.

Content filter

  • Usage of specific multimedia (videos, tutorials, or quizzes) will be available as an option for seeing Engagement by or Comparing by in the Engagement Report. 


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