How can students view their assessment results and share with their instructor?


It is now possible for InfoLit (formerly Instruct) users to view their overall score and a summary of their performance immediately after taking a test or a quiz. This results page can be emailed to themselves for future reference or to their instructors so that they can receive credit for their grades. 

This option will appear regardless of authentication method, whether users are accessing via LTI or deep link/embed code. If you wish to turn off this option for your account, please contact Credo support and we will be happy to disable the feature for you. 

When a student begins an assessment, a "Get Scores" button will appear above the quiz content, with the message "Click here to see details and email your score." Note: Students can click this at any time while taking the assessment to see their performance so far, but they should make sure to fully submit all answers before emailing their final score to themselves and/or their instructor. 

More information and screenshots are available at the "Viewing and Emailing Assessment Results for End Users" section of this article.

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