If I have admin access to Credo's platform, but cannot access Credo Insights, what should I do?


Users with staff-level access to Credo Platform will authenticate directly to Credo Insights. If you have staff-level access, but receive an error message stating that you are not permitted to access Insights, your browser may have you flagged as a student. This may be because you accessed Credo's multimedia on a LibGuide or other website.

Try these steps if you are unable to authenticate to Insights: 

  • Clear your cache or log out of Credo's platform
  • Log back in to Credo's platform and access Credo Insights using the link on the Instructor Dashboard

If this does not work, please contact Credo’s Customer Success Team at support@credoreference.com.

See this page for more information about How to use Credo Insights.

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