D2L: LTI 1.3 Tool & Deployment Setup



These steps must be completed by an individual with administrator level access in D2L platform. 

Before you begin, you MUST have the following information from Credo:

  • LTI 1.3 Keyset URL
  • End-Point to Receive Deep Link Launches

Step one: Register Tool

Step two: Tool Deployment

Step three: Adding a Credo InfoLit 1.3 Quick link or Insert Stuff link for content selection (Deep Linking)



Step one: Register Tool

  1. Navigate to your own organization Brightspace site [varies by organization] (Credo does not have access to this area).
  2. Click on the Admin Menu.                                                
  3. Select Manage Extensibility.  
  4. Select the “LTI Advantage” tab.                                                                                                                         image6.png             
  5. Click “Register Tool” from the LTI Advantage menu.                                                                                                                                                                 image7.png                                                                      
  6. On the following registration screen enter the following details:   
    • How would you like to register your tool:  select Standard
    • Enabled:   On   
    • Name:  Credo InfoLit LTI 1.3
    • Description:      Credo InfoLit LTI 1.3 Tool                                                                                     
    • Domain:    https://frame.credocourseware.com
    • Redirect URLs (need 2):      https://frame.credocourseware.com/lti1p3_tool/launch/  and your End-Point to Receive Deep Link Launches (provided by Credo)
    • Open ID Connect Initiation URI:   https://frame.credocourseware.com/lti1p3_tool/login/ 
    • Target Link URI:   https://frame.credocourseware.com/lti1p3_tool/launch/ 
    • Keyset URL:  https://frame.credocourseware.com/lti1p3_tool/jwks/<key-id> (provided by Credo)
    • Extensions:  select "Assignments and Grade Services" & "Deep Linking"
    • Send Institution Role: YesRegister_a_tool.png
  7.   Select “Register” to save the information.                                                                                                mceclip2.png
  8.  After successfully completing your tool registration, Brightspace will provide a few details in a new window. Copy these details to provide to Credo, and when finished, select “Save and Close.”
  • Client Id
  • Brightspace Keyset URL
  • Brightspace OAuth2 Access Token URL
  • OpenID Connect Authentication Endpoint
  • Brightspace OAuth2 Audience
  • Issuer

Note these registration details to provide to Credo and proceed to step two where you create the deployment and generate deployment id details that will also need to be sent along to Credo (support@credoreference.com).  



Step two: Tool Deployment

Next, create a Deployment for the new tool that was just registered, this can be done by clicking on "View deployments" in the Edit Tool screen, or by navigating to the Admin menu, and clicking on External Learning Tools.

  1. In the LTI Advantage tab, click New Deployment.
  2. Tool:  Select your Credo InfoLit LTI 1.3 Tool from the list.
  3. Name:  E.g. Credo InfoLit LTI 1.3 
  4. Description:  E.g. Credo InfoLit LTI 1.3
  5. Extensions: Select "Grade Services" and "Deep Linking"
  6. Review Security SettingsDeployment Security Settings.png
  7. Scroll to “Make tool available to:” section.
  8. Click “Add Org Units.”
  9. In the “Add Org Units” menu, use the “Choose Org Unit Type” dropdown. Select “Organization.”
  10. Select the box next to the Org name and select “All descendants” from the options on the right-hand side. This will share the link to the entire Org structure.
  11. Click Create Deployment when complete.
  12. Once the tool deploys successfully, Brightspace will provide a window that lists a Deployment Id.  Copy the Deployment ID to provide to Credo.

When deployment sharing is complete, send the Deployment ID and the Registration Details copied when setting up the tool in step one, to Credo (support@credoreference.comso we can take the steps to complete the connection, and wait for confirmation before continuing the process. 



Step three: Adding a Credo InfoLit 1.3 Quick link or Insert Stuff link for content selection (Deep Linking)

Adding a link in D2L allows Instructors to easily search and select Credo InfoLit content for use in their courses.

  1. When Credo Support informs you that your integration is ready, return to D2L/Brightspace.
  2. Select your deployment and then click “View Links.”  Deployment add org units and view links.png                                                                                                                                        
  3. Select “New Link” from the options. 
  4. In the “Create Link” menu, change the “Type” to either the “Deep Linking Quicklink” option or “Deep Linking Insert Stuff” (depending on which you are setting up).   
    quick link type.png                                                                  
  5. Fill in the
    • “Name” e.g. "Credo InfoLit Insert Stuff" or "Credo InfoLit Quick Link" depending on the type you chose,
    • “URL” (this should be your End-Point to Receive Deep Link Launches URL) and “Description” fields.Setting up Quick Link.png
  6. Click “Save and Close” at the bottom. The “Link Saved” message will appear.
  7. The link will appear in your “Links” list. 
  8. Instructors should now be able to locate these links to add content to their courses following these instructions.           


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