Embed Codes Display Blank Frame


If the embed codes for Credo content are displaying a blank white frame rather than the expected content, this indicates that your proxy sign-in screen is being blocked from loading on the page. When this happens, it is commonly for one of these reasons:

  • mixed content error, in which the browser is preventing insecure (http) content from being loaded on a secure (https) page.
  • Your server is configured to send an X-Frame-Options: Deny header, which forbids your sign-in screen from being loaded in a frame.

To determine which error is occurring follow these steps:

1. Check to see if your proxy server URL uses http or https

 If you are seeing a blank frame, check the embed codes provided to you by Credo - is the proxied part of the URL using http? If so, you are likely running into a mixed content error. 

For information on how to resolve this issue, see our Mixed Content Error troubleshooting page.


2. Check for errors using your browser's developer tools dashboard

This test can be used to determine why your embed codes are not displaying properly.

Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari all have developer tools that can be used to examine the performance of your browser and debug pages that are not loading as expected. To use these tools to troubleshoot a blank embed code, you can follow our step-by-step instructions for your particular browser here:

Once you've run this test, you'll probably see one of the following errors:

Mixed Content -  If you see an error that reads something like this:

Mixed Content: The page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

then you are experiencing a mixed content error -- the embed code is not loading because your proxy prefix uses http, but the page uses https. See our Mixed Content Error troubleshooting page for next steps.


X-Frame-Options: Deny - If you see an error that reads something like this:

Refused to display [the URL] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.

then your server is using a security setting which forbids your sign-on screen from being used in a frame. See X-Frame-Options for more information.

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