Adding/Editing Multiple Choice Questions



Adding/Editing Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Problem Layout

Additional Settings

Save & Publish


Adding/Editing Multiple Choice Questions

In the content outline, navigate to the content item that you want to edit, and click into the page where you wish to add or edit a question.

To edit an existing question, click into the question an click  "Edit" button.



To add a new question, go to the "Add New Component" section and select the "Problem" component type.


 Then select "Multiple Choice" from the list of problem type options.


This will add a new Multiple Choice problem to the page. Template/boilerplate text will appear by default; to add your own question and answer options, click the "Edit" button.


Multiple Choice Problem Layout

Once you've opened the problem editor, you will see the problem text laid out in a special markup. If you are editing an existing problem, you can make any text changes you'd like while keeping the format in place. If you are creating a new problem, you can replace the template text with your own question and answer options.

The question itself is the first element of the problem. It is the first line in the problem editor. The start of the question text is indicated by two greater-than signs (>>), and the end is indicated by two less-than signs (<<), for example:

>>This is the text of the question in your multiple-choice problem.<<


You can either edit or replace entirely the text between the >> and <<.

The answer options are the second element of the multiple choice problem. Credo's default questions usually have 2-4 answer options, but you can add additional options if you choose.

Each answer option begins with a set of parentheses, followed by the answer text. The correct answer is marked by placing an x within the parentheses. For example:

( ) A. This is an example of an incorrect answer.

(x) B. This is an example of a correct answer. 



To add additional answer options, simply add another set of parentheses followed by another answer option, and mark the appropriate answer option with an x to indicate the correct choice.

Finally, answer feedback is text that appears to the student after they submit their answer. The feedback is designed to explain to the student why their answer was correct or incorrect. Feedback is placed within a set of double braces {{ }} and comes after the text of each answer option.

For example,

{{Format question feedback like this.}}



Additional Settings

There are some additional Settings that you can configure for each question.   From the question editor,  click on Settings.

To rename a question, click in the top right corner of the edit window, and change the text in the "Display Name" field.

To change the number of question attempts allowed, change the number in the "Maximum attempts" field. The default is one attempt. Please note that if you allow multiple attempts, this will impact all students for any instructor that uses the quiz in their course, and will typically skew assessment scores higher since students will be able to correct their incorrect responses. You may wish to remove the answer feedback so that students aren't told the correct answer and then allowed to try the question again.



Save & Publish

After making edits, make sure to Save when you close the editing window. Once you are happy with your draft changes, click the "Publish" button in the sidebar of the screen to make the changes permanent.

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