Adding an Image File from Your Computer


You can add an image to a page in InfoLit if you have the image file locally on your own computer. Step 1: Under the top navigation dropdown for "Content," click own "Files & Uploads."

image of the top navigation drop down with files and uploads in blue


Step 2: To the top right, click on the green "Upload new file" button.

image of the green button with white text that says upload new file


Step 3: In the upload window, click on the blue "Choose File" button and select the image file from your computer.

image of the upload window and a blue choose file button


Step 4: The button will turn green and it will say "upload completed." Below that is a URL that beings "/static" copy that URL to your computer clipboard.

image of the upload window and a green button that says upload complete with a url below it that is highlighted


Step 5: Inside the text page where you want to insert the image, click on the "image" button in the html editor top editing buttons.

image of the editing buttons in the html editor


Step 6: Paste the image URL that you copied earlier into the source field. Add whichever settings you want your image to contain.

image of the image settings box

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