June 2022 Update: InfoLit – Core Content


As we do each year, we have developed new multimedia for InfoLit – Core. The topics for these pieces of multimedia are selected based on feedback from customer surveys and conversations to ensure that we are best meeting the needs of our users. You should see the new content in your course starting the last full week of May 2022. The changes are as follows:

New Information Ethics section

We will be reorganizing some of our existing materials and adding new materials to create an Information Ethics section. This section will include the following existing materials: 

  • Plagiarism 
  • Copyright 
  • Digital Citizenship (tutorial and quiz)
  • Digital Privacy

The Information Ethics section will also include two new tutorials:

  • A two-part video tutorial called Academic Integrity with videos Using a Range of Sources and Acknowledging Information's Value
  • Information Has Value, a tutorial that will replace the current Academic Integrity and Information Has Value tutorials, which are being retired. (We will not delete these retired items from your course, but they will be hidden from users and marked RETIRED.)

We will also add a new Information Ethics quiz that addresses content from the Academic Integrity, Information Has Value, and Plagiarism videos and tutorials (the existing Academic Integrity quiz will be retired).

With the creation of the new Information Ethics section, the existing Citations and Academic Integrity section will be renamed Citations and will focus solely on tutorials and videos related to citation styles. (Note: existing links to any of the materials being moved into the Information Ethics section will not be affected by this reorganization.)


Updates to Existing Material

  • In the Sources of Information section, the current videos on Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, and Tertiary sources will be retired (labeled and hidden from users) and replaced with new content on this topic. 
  • A new tutorial titled Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources with two videos, Identifying Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources and Using Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources, and textual content will introduce students to primary, secondary, and tertiary sources and how each can be examined for relevance and used in research by students, scholars, and professionals.
  • In the Presenting and Organizing Information section (previously named Presenting Research and Data), we will add a tutorial with included video on Study Skills, with tips and advice for successful studying and organization for a range of different assignment types and situations.
  • Refreshed versions of our Annotated Bibliography and Search Techniques Part 1 and Search Techniques Part 2 tutorials. These new versions include refreshed images and updated citation examples in accordance with updates to citation style guides, as well as some updated text. The previous versions of these tutorials will be retired.

We will roll all of this material out for you to preview during the week of May 23rd. Beginning then, admin users of Credo InfoLit – Core will be able to view the new items in Studio at the bottom of the course in a section titled "InfoLit Summer 2022 Content Update."

You will have until June 22nd to review the material and opt out if you would like not to receive this update, or to let us know that you would like to have the new material integrated into your course early. Otherwise, we will integrate the new material into your course between June 23rd and July 6th. All materials that are being retired will be marked “retired” and hidden from users unless you inform us that you would like to leave them unhidden. You can also authorize us to delete them entirely if you do not plan to use them going forward.

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