OpenAthens Proxy Service


Although we do not support SAML for our Learning Tool products, we can set up proxy access using your OA proxy IP and redirector.  

To set this up, we will need the following information: 

OAFed Entity ID (https://idp.***.edu/openathens)

Scope (****.edu)

Organisation ID 

Open Athens Proxy IP

This information is usually sent to us directly from EBSCO who is now partnering with OpenAthens to manage authentication.

EBSCO should enable Credo InfoLit as a proxied resource for your account, ensuring it is configured for the course domain: 


Generating Redirector prefixed links

Once set up, we will send you a prefixed and encoded link to your course outline. E.g:[your scope domain].edu?url=[encoded course outline link]

Customers can also use the Link Constructor to generate prefixed and encoded direct and embed links for each individual piece of content. Follow the instructions on the Link Constructor help page to add your redirector to the "Add proxy prefix to links" box and check "Encode URLs".  

Once generated, you can copy the links directly from the Link Constructor page, or you can use the "Export all data to Excel" option to download a file of all links for your account. 




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