Assessment Reports Overview


*Note - Assessment reports are only available for InfoLit (formerly Instruct) and some legacy SKILL/Source products (if subscribed to assessments).   

Assessment reports show the percent accuracy (score) on any quiz and/or Pre/Post test for all students who have attempted an assessment. Assessment reports can be viewed as bar charts and tables, and also downloaded as images or CSV files


Generating Assessment Reports

See the tips below for how to generate the most commonly requested reports:


View by Assessment, Question, Score Distribution and Answer Choice

Assessment reports default to View by Assessment, showing the total average score of each assessment within the the last month.

Click in the date fields to change the date range as required.

Click on the “View by” dropdown option on the left side to change the data displayed to view scores for each question or percentages of answer choices selected for each question, or score distribution (questions and answers).  Note these views are more meaningful when filtering your data to a single Assessment or Learner.  




Compare by Options

You can compare assessment results by any other filter included in the assessment report: Course, Run, Learners, or any custom filter that has been added to your Quiz Form.

Click on the “Compare by” dropdown menu on the left side to change from the default “...” to your desired filter. Some common comparisons include:

  • Compare by Course - allows you to see how different classes performed on assessments
  • Compare by Learner - allows you to compare individual student performance
  • Compare by Run - allows to you see a breakdown by Core and Health Science if you have both packages


Pro Tip: you may need to select a specific course from the Course filter first, to avoid there being too much data to visualize - see section below for Options for Narrowing Data




Options for Narrowing Data

You can narrow your data selections by clicking on the dropdown under each filter on the left side of the screen and checking boxes for specific options underneath the Courses, Assessments, Learners, and Run filters. This is helpful especially if you receive a message stating that “there is too much data to visualize” - because the combinations of filters and View by/Compare by options are preventing your chart from displaying.

Simply check the box for data you wish to select under each filter. Once a box is checked, only that data will display in the bar chart.

Some examples where this might be useful include:

  • View by Assessment, Compare by Learners, with a Course filter applied to narrow the data  to a specific class - to show how students in one course performed on assessments
  • View by Score Distribution with a filter applied to a specific learner and assessment - to see the questions and answers given by a learner in quiz, and whether the answers were correct.  




Graded vs. Ungraded Assessments

The assessment report shows data from all assessments taken in on the Learning Tools platform. The default setting shows all graded assessments (quizzes and Pre/Post Tests).

To also see ungraded assessments (checkpoint questions inside tutorials) - check the box for "Include UnGraded". You will see ungraded items such as tutorials appear in the bar chart and the table below. 

Ungraded items can still have a correct/incorrect answer - (i.e. multiple choice questions), and some do not have a specified correct answer (i.e. open response). If you have any questions about interpreting data from different problem types, please contact






Filter options in an Assessment Report

Course filters:

  • Any course set up in your LMS that uses an LTI integration to access Credo's multimedia will appear in the Courses filter. 
    • Note: Filters for LMS-integrated Courses were established in March 2018. Before March 2018, the data from courses in your LMS will be displayed under the INFOLIT course in Credo Insights. This affects both assessment and usage reports. 
  • If you have configured the Quiz Form to collect course information or the instructor’s name, it will be available in the Courses filter.
  • INFOLIT or Instruct Course Filter: Credo's platform will capture any student data not associated with a course from your LMS or the Quiz Form. If you choose not to use courses in the Quiz Form, student assessment data will appear under the INFOLIT or Instruct course

Learner filters:

  • Students who take quizzes by accessing the multimedia via an LTI integration are identified in reports by their name, email, and course.
  • Students who access via direct link, proxy/IP, or referring URL authentication (for example, via a proxy-authenticated link used on a LibGuide) will be identified by their name and email if they provide it on the Quiz Form.
  • Note: The anonymous student IDs created by Credo’s system for any non- LTI access are suppressed from Credo Insights filters. The data is still included in averages, but the randomized names and emails will not be available as filter options.

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