Frequently Asked Questions about Credo Learning Tools
Access and Integration
- What authentication/integration methods are supported?
- What links should I give to students so that they can access the content?
- How do I locate our LTI links?
- How do I get the content into my LMS? What does it look like?
- Can I embed Credo content in LibGuides?
- How can students re-take tests and quizzes?
Product Information
- Is Credo GDPR-compliant?
- Is Credo FERPA-compliant?
- Are Credo products ADA-compliant?
- What are the minimum technical requirements for the Credo learning platform?
- How can I contact technical support? What are Credo's support hours?
- How many hours of material are there in InfoLit?
Usage and Assessment Data
- How can librarians use Credo Insights to support their information literacy strategy?
- What questions will Credo Insights help me answer?
- Can I compare my institution's assessment data to other institutions?
- How is Credo Insights impacted if a student’s progress is reset on an assessment?
- What filters are available on Credo Insights reports?
- How are reports generated in Credo Insights?
Browser Troubleshooting
- FAQ: You've Been Logged Out of EdX
- Internet Explorer: Browser Error Reports
- Internet Explorer: Enabling Cookies
- Chrome: Browser Error Reports
- Chrome: Enabling Cookies
- Firefox: Browser Error Reports